Drone Laws in Hawaii (2023)

Drone Laws in Hawaii (2023) is an article that provides a comprehensive overview of the regulations and requirements for flying drones in Hawaii. The article includes information on federal drone laws that apply to all states, as well as specific state drone laws created by the Hawaii State Legislature. It covers the requirements for both commercial and recreational drone pilots, including the FAA’s Part 107 Small UAS Rule and the Recreational UAS Safety Test. Additionally, the article highlights local drone laws in specific regions or cities within Hawaii, such as the prohibition of drone use in state parks. Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in flying drones in Hawaii, offering important information to ensure compliance with current laws and regulations.

Federal Drone Laws in Hawaii

When it comes to flying drones in Hawaii, there are specific laws and requirements that need to be followed. These laws are set by the federal government and apply to every state in the U.S., including Hawaii.

For those looking to fly a drone as a commercial pilot in Hawaii, which means using a drone for work or business purposes, the requirements of the FAA’s Part 107 Small UAS Rule (Part 107) must be followed. This includes passing the FAA’s Aeronautical Knowledge Test to obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate. These regulations and certifications ensure that commercial drone pilots have the necessary knowledge and skills to operate drones safely and responsibly.

On the other hand, if you are flying a drone as a hobbyist in Hawaii, meaning you are flying for fun or pleasure, you are required by the FAA to take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST). Additionally, you must adhere to the FAA’s recreational model aircraft rules. These rules include registering your drone if it weighs more than 0.55 lbs (250g) and following guidelines on airspace, altitude, and line-of-sight flying.

For government employees in Hawaii, such as those working for the police or fire department, there are two options. They can either operate under the FAA’s Part 107 rule or obtain a federal Certificate of Authorization (COA). This allows government employees to use drones for official purposes while still following the necessary regulations.

It’s important to note that these federal drone laws are subject to change. It’s crucial for drone pilots to stay informed and up to date on any updates or amendments to the regulations. Before flying a drone in Hawaii, it’s recommended to consult the latest information from the FAA to ensure compliance with all requirements.

Drone Laws in Hawaii (2023)

State Drone Laws in Hawaii

Besides the federal drone laws, there are also state-level regulations that apply to drones in Hawaii. These laws are created by the Hawaii State Legislature and apply to the entire state.

According to the Hawaii Department of Transportation and the Hawaii State Legislature, there is one state-wide law regarding the use of drones in Hawaii. This law, known as SB 661 // 2015, creates a chief operating officer position for the Hawaii UAS test site. It also establishes an unmanned aerial systems test site advisory board to plan and oversee test site development. Additionally, funds are appropriated to establish the test site.

It’s important to note that all drone pilots operating commercially in Hawaii are still subject to the FAA’s Part 107 rules, regardless of any state-level regulations. This ensures consistency and adherence to the federal regulations while giving the state some authority over drone activities within its jurisdiction.

Drone Laws in Hawaii (2023)

Local Drone Laws in Hawaii

In addition to federal and state laws, there are also local drone laws in Hawaii. These laws only apply to specific regions, cities, or counties within the state and are created by various authorities within those areas.

One example of a local drone law in Hawaii is the rule set by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, specifically the Division of State Parks. According to this rule, the use, launching, or landing of drones or other types of aircraft is prohibited in any of Hawaii’s state parks. This restriction ensures the safety and preservation of the park environment while minimizing any potential disturbance caused by drones.

It’s essential for drone pilots to familiarize themselves with any local laws or restrictions before flying their drones in specific areas within Hawaii. This will help ensure compliance and respectful drone operation.

Drone Laws in Hawaii (2023)

Staying Informed and Compliant

With the rapidly evolving nature of the drone industry and drone regulations, it’s crucial for drone pilots in Hawaii to stay informed and up to date with the latest laws and requirements. The FAA’s website provides comprehensive information on federal regulations, including the Part 107 rules for commercial pilots and recreational guidelines for hobbyists.

Additionally, checking the Hawaii State Legislature’s website can provide information on any updates or changes to state-level laws. Keeping an eye on local news and announcements can also help drone pilots understand any specific regulations in their area.

By staying informed and following the necessary regulations, drone pilots can enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Hawaii while ensuring the safety and privacy of others and promoting responsible drone operation.

Drone Laws in Hawaii (2023)

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